- condor - HTCondor: High Throughput Computing
- condor-all - All condor packages in a typical installation
- condor-annex-ec2 - Configuration and scripts to make an EC2 image annex-compatible.
- condor-bosco - BOSCO, a HTCondor overlay system for managing jobs at remote clusters
- condor-credmon-oauth - OAuth2 credmon for HTCondor.
- condor-credmon-vault - Vault credmon for HTCondor.
- condor-devel - Development files for HTCondor
- condor-kbdd - HTCondor Keyboard Daemon
- condor-procd - HTCondor Process tracking Daemon
- condor-test - HTCondor Self Tests
- condor-vm-gahp - HTCondor's VM Gahp
- htcondor-ce - A framework to run HTCondor as a CE
- htcondor-ce-bosco - Default routes for submission to BOSCO
- htcondor-ce-client - Client-side tools for submission to HTCondor-CE
- htcondor-ce-collector - Central HTCondor-CE information services collector
- htcondor-ce-condor - Default routes for submission to HTCondor
- htcondor-ce-lsf - Default routes for submission to LSF
- htcondor-ce-pbs - Default routes for submission to PBS
- htcondor-ce-sge - Default routes for submission to SGE
- htcondor-ce-slurm - Default routes for submission to Slurm
- minicondor - Configuration for a single-node HTCondor
- python3-condor - Python bindings for HTCondor.