
htcondor-ce-lsf - Default routes for submission to LSF

License: Apache 2.0
Vendor: Koji
Default routes for submission to LSF


htcondor-ce-lsf-5.1.3-1.osg35up.el7.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Tim Theisen (2021-12-21):
- The HTCondor-CE central collector requires SSL credentials from client CEs
- Fix BDII crash if an HTCondor Access Point is not available
- Fix formatting of APEL records that contain huge values
- HTCondor-CE client mapfiles are not installed on the central collector
htcondor-ce-lsf-5.1.2-1.osg35up.el7.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Tim Theisen (2021-09-22):
- Fixed the default memory and CPU requests when using job router transforms
- Apply default MaxJobs and MaxJobsIdle when using job router transforms
- Improved SciTokens support in submission tools
- Fixed --debug flag in condor_ce_run
- Update configuration verification script to handle job router transforms
- Corrected ownership of the HTCondor PER_JOBS_HISTORY_DIR
- Fix bug passing maximum wall time requests to the local batch system
htcondor-ce-lsf-5.1.1-1.1.osg35up.el7.noarch [27 KiB] Changelog by Brian Lin (2021-05-25):
- Improve restart time of HTCondor-CE View (HTCONDOR-420)
- Fix bug that caused HTCondor-CE to ignore incoming BatchRuntime requests (#480)
- Fix blahp packaging requirement (HTCONDOR-504)
htcondor-ce-lsf-5.1.0-1.osg35up.el7.noarch [26 KiB] Changelog by Mark Coatsworth (2021-03-30):
- Fix an issue where the CE removed running jobs prematurely (HTCONDOR-350)
- Add optional job router transform syntax (HTCONDOR-243)
- Add username and X.509 accounting group mapfiles for use by job router transforms (HTCONDOR-187)
- Replace custom mappings in condor_mapfile with /etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/ (HTCONDOR-244)
- Require regular expressions in the second field of the unified mapfile be enclosed by '/'(HTCONDOR-244)
- Update maxWallTime logic to accept BatchRuntime (HTCONDOR-80)
- Append SSL to the default authentication methods list (HTCONDOR-366)
- APEL reporting scripts now use the local HTCondor's PER_JOB_HISTORY_DIR to collect job data. (HTCONDOR-293)
- Use the `GlobalJobID` attribute as the APEL record `lrmsID` (#426)
- Update HTCondor-CE registry app to Python 3 (HTCONDOR-307)
- Enable SSL authentication by default for `READ`/`WRITE` authorization levels (HTCONDOR-366)
- Downgrade errors in the configuration verification startup script to support routes written in the transform syntax (#465)
- Allow required directories to be owned by non-`condor` groups (#451)
- Fix an issue with an overly aggressive default `SYSTEM_PERIODIC_REMOVE` (HTCONDOR-350)
- Fix incorrect path to Python 3 Collector plugin (HTCONDOR-400)
- Fix faulty validation of `JOB_ROUTER_ROUTE_NAMES` and `JOB_ROUTER_ENTRIES` in the startup script (HTCONDOR-406)
- Fix various Python 3 incompatibilities (#460)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7