system environment/libraries
- glideinwms-switchboard - This package is used in all Factories to prevent permissions problems
- lcmaps - Grid (X.509) and VOMS credentials to local account mapping service
- lcmaps-db-templates - lcmaps.db templates
- lcmaps-without-gsi - Grid mapping service without GSI
- osg-se-hadoop-client - Client meta-package for Hadoop
- osg-se-hadoop-datanode - Datanode meta-package for Hadoop
- osg-se-hadoop-gridftp - Gridftp meta-package for Hadoop
- osg-se-hadoop-namenode - Namenode meta-package for Hadoop
- osg-se-hadoop-secondarynamenode - Secondary Namenode meta-package for Hadoop
- xrootd-client-compat - XRootD 4 compatibility client libraries
- xrootd-client-libs - Libraries used by xrootd clients
- xrootd-libs - Libraries used by xrootd servers and clients
- xrootd-rucioN2N-for-Xcache - Xrootd Name-to-Name plugin for Disk Caching Proxy (Xcache) to utilize RUCIO metalink
- xrootd-server-libs - Libraries used by xrootd servers
- xrootd-voms - VOMS attribute extractor plug-in for XRootD