
cigetcert - Get an X.509 certificate with SAML ECP and store proxies

License: BSD
Vendor: Koji
cigetcert gets an X.509 certificate from a SAML 2.0 Service Provider
(SP) such as CILogon using the Enhanced Client and Proxy (ECP)
profile. Optionally it can also get a grid proxy certificate and/or
transfer the proxy to MyProxy. It was developed for the Fermilab
Distributed Computing Access with Federated Identities (DCAFI) project
but is intended to be usable by other projects.


cigetcert-1.21-1.osg23.el8.noarch [45 KiB] Changelog by Dave Dykstra (2023-05-26):
- Fix operation on el9, with python 3.9
- Add Requires openssl-compat10 on el8

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7